
Es werden Posts vom August, 2014 angezeigt.

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Bad luck, broken parts & "spots" problems

Hi my friends, The work molds for my male BJD 're done. The first casting and biscuit firing went smoothly . Because usually when the final overcasting of the parts , especially the hands , which always goes to break , I've fired already more parts . Unfortunately, a lower leg and two hands are lost , bad luck. >_< I hope all goes well at the final firing ... Since I have some older Seeley Porcelain slip , it came out on top to "spots " on the faces . Small inclusions of porcelain lumps. These are already clearly visible in the bisque firing . This time I have to filter the porcelain slip 2 times : 1x through a cloth and then through a strainer. The "spots" problem seems thereby to be fixed. But I await with interest from the final firing. Die Arbeitsformen für meine männliche BJD sind fertig. Der erste Guss und Schrühbrand verlief reibungslos. Da meist beim endgültigen Versäuber...

A beautiful surprise in Berlin for me

Hi Friends, the last week I was in my old hometown Berlin without any idea what to do, just for see and relax. When I the roads wander through I saw an advertising sign for the 54th German -American Volksfest . Ok, I thought, that's be great . Said and done , the next day I went there and what to expect for a great surprise there!! A very famous American Native music band with a great show, Clan / destine . Incredibly ,   if someone told me 17 years ago that I " Crazy Horse" (which was the first song I had heard of this band in 1997 ) Clan / destine would see once live , I would not have believed it .  I have once again learned something : Sometimes you have to wait long , but life always keeps positive surprises when you least expect it .   It gives me hope again for something positive in my life . Unfortunately, not even had a decent camera taken along on the trip , so my phone had any lasting , beautiful...