
Es werden Posts vom 2014 angezeigt.

French Bru

Hi my Dollfriends, I say goodbye to facebook and hello to blogger ! I want to re -blog, Facebook is nice,but I disagree the new terms of use. I will post updates in the future always here and merely link on FB .   Perhaps wonders of one or the other about the photos of Bru dolls. No I'm not become antique reproducers ;-). But ... I love this Bru Mold. I do not imagine these little dolls ago after strict reproduction edition. My respect for all antique repro artists, but the type of painting the strict eyebrows and eyelashes unnaturally straight is not my thing. ( Either way, difficult to reproduce exactly as with the old dolls) . So I have taken the liberty to introduce my own style . Found I have, however , that the plaster mold is very poor, with thick seemlines . The my own dollmolds are much more precise and better. I had just thought in commercial Molds quality would be much better .... Well,...

2014 Anniversary

2014 was actually an anniversary year !   2004-2014 ! 10 years Bebi dolls !!! In 2004 I began seriously to make dolls. How time flies ! I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  

Kei - male BJD

Hello my friends, Here I want to introduce my male bjd : Kei I will not sell him because it has some minor blemishes in the paint. He is just for me ^___^. I never make two identical dolls with clothes and painting. Kei is a Vario series. Each doll is unique. Later, I will demonstrate his joints in a video. He has double knee and elbow joints. Next, I work at his "brother".  Take a look on my website for more pictures of Kei. Thank you for stopping by!! Kei (c)by bebidolls 2014 Porcelain Doll Art  

New Doll hat on ebay

Sefira and an new doll hat on ebay now: Sefira Doll hat with flowers Thanks for stopping by!

universe on Animaco 2014


A new doll dress or a new doll?

Hi friends, See how you can change the look of a doll! Sefira with a new dress, wig and hat. The hat I made completely. Making doll hats makes a lot of fun!  

Doll News

Hello there, sorry for the long time delay... A few news about my male doll... Lining and stringing...the size differences are funny. Leather-lining my male Porcelain doll, Head, hands and feets not painted jet. In comparision an 50cm old wooden body that I have to string with new elastic. after first firing mature fired and soft fired dollhand boyhead out of the mold this little girl i made in 2010....... I want to finishing her this year.

I´m on Facebook now

Bebidolls on Facebook

Bad luck, broken parts & "spots" problems

Hi my friends, The work molds for my male BJD 're done. The first casting and biscuit firing went smoothly . Because usually when the final overcasting of the parts , especially the hands , which always goes to break , I've fired already more parts . Unfortunately, a lower leg and two hands are lost , bad luck. >_< I hope all goes well at the final firing ... Since I have some older Seeley Porcelain slip , it came out on top to "spots " on the faces . Small inclusions of porcelain lumps. These are already clearly visible in the bisque firing . This time I have to filter the porcelain slip 2 times : 1x through a cloth and then through a strainer. The "spots" problem seems thereby to be fixed. But I await with interest from the final firing. Die Arbeitsformen für meine männliche BJD sind fertig. Der erste Guss und Schrühbrand verlief reibungslos. Da meist beim endgültigen Versäuber...

A beautiful surprise in Berlin for me

Hi Friends, the last week I was in my old hometown Berlin without any idea what to do, just for see and relax. When I the roads wander through I saw an advertising sign for the 54th German -American Volksfest . Ok, I thought, that's be great . Said and done , the next day I went there and what to expect for a great surprise there!! A very famous American Native music band with a great show, Clan / destine . Incredibly ,   if someone told me 17 years ago that I " Crazy Horse" (which was the first song I had heard of this band in 1997 ) Clan / destine would see once live , I would not have believed it .  I have once again learned something : Sometimes you have to wait long , but life always keeps positive surprises when you least expect it .   It gives me hope again for something positive in my life . Unfortunately, not even had a decent camera taken along on the trip , so my phone had any lasting , beautiful...

Ready for Molds

Hi, nachdem ich sehr lange gebraucht habe, meine erste männliche Ball jointed doll fertig zu stellen, ist der Kerl endlich soweit in "Form gegossen" zu werden. Heisst jetzt gehts an die Herstellung der Arbeitsform. Und dann....tadaaaahhh kann ich endlich mal die fertige Doll in Händen halten. Langsam glaube ich fast selber nicht mehr daran... Aber was lange währt soll bekanntlich auch wirklich gut werden...;-) Hi ,   after I took me very long to make my first male ball jointed doll finished , the guy has to be finally " cast in mold " .   Does this mean now he go to the production of the work form.   And then .... tadaaaahhh, I can finally hold the finished doll in my hands. But what endures long is also known to be really good...

My past works between 2004-2010

Meine frühen Werke habe ich nicht mit auf meine neue Webseite genommen, darum veröffentliche ich sie hier im Blog. Diese Figuren und Puppen sind aus Paperclay und PolymerClay (Fimo) modelliert, nicht aus Porzellan. My previous works have I not taken with my new website , so I publish it here on the blog . This figures and dolls are made from paperclay and polymer clay, not from porcelain. 

My new website is on

My new website is online now! Thank you Val!! Meine neue Webseite ist online, Vielen Dank Val!!

death always comes unexpectedly

Hello my friends, the death is part of life , he always comes unexpectedly and leaves an emptiness and sadness. Death is final. No more questions and no more answers . Death do not pass without a trace to the family . He changed one , it teaches us to accept him, tolerate him and postpone nothing . He shows us how short our time is and we need to use them sensibly and with joy. The dead transforms our view of things and life. Daddy, I miss you so much!