
Es werden Posts vom März, 2011 angezeigt.

Japan Hilfe

Liebe Freunde+Leser, ich bin geschockt und betroffen vom Schicksal der Menschen in Japan. Diese Katastrophe habe ich zum Anlass genommen, eine meiner Puppen zu versteigern, um den Menschen in Japan mit einer Geldspende zu helfen. Auch für alle von euch, die nur wenig finanzielle Mittel zur Verfügung haben, spendet doch bitte einfach nur 1,00. Vielen Dank! Dear Friends + readers, I am shocked and concerned by the fate of the people of Japan. This disaster, I took the opportunity to auction one of my dolls to the people of Japan to help with a donation. Also for all of you who have little financial resources available, but please donate just 1.00. Thank you!

Finished but not finished

Hi, I'm back with my Sephiroth adaptation, I think the mouth is pretty close to the original .. but the head was just too unbalanced ... and because I always have a lack of plasticine ... I had him summarily again melted down ... Currently I am working on No.3 head ... but I regret that I head no2. had to melt down again. I guess if I won the lottery, I would invest a large portion of the money in a ton of plasticine .. XD